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Our VISION is to stand as a guiding light amidst the shadows and the darkness of addiction and mental health challenges. We proudly extend a helping hand to all underserved communities, offering a transformative bridge to a new way of life.


As a non-denominational entity, we embrace individuals from all walks of life, providing a beacon of hope regardless of their expression of faith or lack thereof.


Our MISSION is to inspire and uplift, offering a sanctuary of support and encouragement to those who seek a path to recovery and wellness.


With unwavering compassion, we strive to empower individuals to overcome their struggles, fostering a sense of belonging and purpose.


At Angels Over Addiction Coaching, we firmly believe that every person deserves a chance at a brighter future, and we are here to guide them on their journey towards healing and personal growth.



When I made the decision to trust my social worker in the psychiatric unit, the bondage of active addiction lost its control over my life.   I was 26 years old and desperate.  It was my second hospitalization in a month,  and I had very little direction in life and hope for the future.

Alcohol had been the magic elixir for the better part of the 90’s.   Every form of entertainment and enjoyment in my life - involved some form of partying.   Now, I had zero options left.  This was my second stint into the mental health system in my 20’s -I had no idea how I would ever live.

“You need help.  Raise your hand.  Tell the outpatient that you are ready and willing to accept their help.”

Those were my social worker’s instructions, and I listened.   Starting from that point, to an intensive MICA program - my life has transformed one day at a time.  I chose to listen to my Angel instead of my addiction.

Recovery offers so much more than just not drinking or using.  My experience to this point has been characterized by  joyous moments intertwined with arduous challenges.

With over 2 decades of recovery experience, my calling is to shine Light into the darkness of addiction.  If you are in the grips, there is Freedom.   Listen to the Light.  Your life saving message may come from your arresting officer, primary care physician, 3 year old child.  There are no limits to God.   I have no idea how to prophesy who will serve as your Angel.    All I know is that - I listened . Please -  seize  this  moment and open this window to let in the Light. I'll be with you every step of the way.



Active addiction created a hole inside my soul.  Drugs, alcohol and gambling could never feed that hunger all the way.   I was addicted to the action and felt utterly hopeless.   I was completely enslaved by the bondage of addiction.   I felt stuck and alone, and had no idea where to turn or what to do.

On June 10, 2015, I finally hit bottom in that old way of life.  I was able to make the decision to create change in my life.    In my experience, recovery requires a massive amount of action and unwarranted Grace from above.  After I entered the recovery process, I began to seek the good things in the world.  I was still yearning to fill that hole and came to find the Truth.

I made the decision to turn my life over to Jesus and life has changed dramatically.  As I have come to know Jesus as my Lord and Savior, I grow each day by reading the Bible and trying to implement His will in my life.  

I believe that if you are in the grips ofactive addiction or any challenge  in life,  you can ask for help and He will show you the way out into a new way of life.

“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”

Philippians 4:13 NKJV



At the age of 26 I found myself at a jumping off point.  Addicted to alcohol, opiates and any mind altering substance I could get my hands on.  I experienced loneliness, shame and self pity.  I knew I was better than how I was living (really how I was dying) but I couldn’t stop.   I didn’t want to die but I was petrified to live—no alcohol no drugs didn’t seem possible to me. My mind, body and spirit were so sick and yet there was an inner voice , a very low voice that wanted a way out.  Could it be possible to live free of ALL mind altering substances? 

I found communities of people that not only found a way out but were thriving.   I wasn’t sure I believed what they were saying but couldn’t deny the miracles I was witnessing.

They poured unconditional love into me and all they wanted me to do was recover and pay it forward.   For almost the past 3 decades I have had the honor and privilege to put my hand out to people who are reaching out to be pulled out of the pit of addiction and join the millions of people that found a way out.  Please understand I do this because it is in my best interest to stay on the path myself.  There is no cure.  One day at a time I practice with the practicers. 

There were many angels that showed up on my journey.  If you found your way here this resource could be one of your angels. 



At age 13, I had a vision of becoming a world-traveled drummer, making music for a living, and performing for of hundreds of thousands of fans. By age 32, I was touring the world, performing with my heroes, and making music for tens of thousands of people nightly. Additionally, I found it essential to pass my experiences and knowledge along, creating a teaching program that to date has positively impacted the lives of thousands of young New Jersey area drummers.

After dealing with years of addiction and its life-eroding effects – including jail, divorce, loss of a career, and bankruptcy – I recovered from my illness, and went on to become a drug and alcohol counselor here in New Jersey. As of Halloween 2023, I celebrate 19 years of continuous sobriety. 

To give back to the recovery community on a larger level, I co-founded the New Jersey Recovery Advocates in 2014, a grassroots 501C-3 corporation dedicated to reducing the stigma surrounding addiction here in New Jersey.

I created GO BEYOND-RECOVERY, a live event aimed at delivering leadership tools and strategies to the Recovery community. Delivered in a high-energy, audience participation heavy atmosphere, the syntax is easily adaptable for Leadership Training, High School students, Substance Abuse Prevention audiences, etc.…



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